Showroom Props

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? Yes

Many retailers use props for store displays as opposed to the real product. Using props enables the retailer to keep costs down when establishing or updating a showroom. It also reduces the financial loss in the event of damage or theft of the showroom displays. There are two options in terms of initiating a business that sells showroom props to retailers: The first option is to design and manufacture the props; the second is to purchase the props in bulk on a wholesale basis from established manufacturers and add a profit percentage for resale. While both options are viable, the second option is far less costly to start and operate. However, the profit potential is also greatly reduced for the second option of operating. Careful research and planning will indicate the preferred method for starting the business for you.

Showroom Props Ideas

Association Manager

Handle the management tasks that association members don't have time to tackle.

Notary Public

Be the go-to person when others need forms notarized.

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Make a business out of giving parties the Hollywood treatment. Red carpets, valet service and emcees are just some ideas for this event planning service.

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